Saturday, November 11, 2006

William "Henry" Heighway and Family ~ Connections with the Jacob Family

William "Henry" Heighway

Charles and Charlotte "Eliza" Heighway Jacobs are living in Waynesville on Third Street in 1880 according to the Federal Census. They have two small children. Unfortunately, the Census does not list Charles' occupation. Charles E. Jacobs was the son of Enoch Jacobs ~ Business Man, Civil War Hero, Public Servant, and United States Consul to Montevideo, in the Republic of Uruguay, South America.

Charlotte "Eliza" Heighway Jacobs is one of the children of William "Henry" and Julia von Salis Heighway who lived in Waynesville. "Henry" was a horticulturalist (That is what he is listed as in the 1870 Census.). Henry was the grandson of Samuel Heighway of Shropshire, England who founded Waynesville in 1797. Henry was born Feb. 5, 1817 in Ohio and died 1893 in Cincinnati and is buried in Miami Cemetery across the The Little Miami River from Waynesville. He married Julia von Salis, daughter of Ulysses Salis who was born in Switzerland and Charlotte Enszline who was born in Stuttgart, Wittenberg, Germany. Julia was born in 1826 in Germany and died in 1903 and is buried beside her husband in Miami Cemetery. Ulysses Salis was a Methodist Episcopal traveling preacher who lived with his daughter's family. He is buried in Miami Cemetery, also.

Henry Heighway owned and operated a brass foundry and later grocery and rectifying business. He retired in 1866 and moved to Waynesville from the Cincinnati area. He was a horticulturist and one of the first to cultivate flowers in Cincinnati; and for a time was engaged as a florist. The India Crepe Myrtle that he had shipped from India to New York to Cincinnati can still be found in Cincinnati and his country home near Waynesville that he cultivated. His home near Waynesville was on Wilkerson Lane. See,
(This map is located on our website at:,%20Ohio.htm). See on the map that the Henry Heighway farm just outside of town (southern edge) abuts the Jacob property.

Charlotte E. "Eliza" Heighway was born on January 30, 1854 and married on June 3, 1874 Charles E. Jacobs, born in 1845 and died in 1894. He is buried at Miami Cemetery. They had a daughter Lettie Jacobs who lived in Mt. Airy.

In the late 1870s the Jacobs and Heighway Cabinet Works Building, formerly the Keys Building on North Main Street, Waynesville (Lots 4 and 5 in Harrison Square), was purchased for $2700.00 by a group of stockholders and converted it into an Iron Foundry, The Wayne Novelty Works Company. Crews of men were brought from Pennsylvania to set up the equipment. Obviously, the Jacob and Heighway families were united by both marriage and business.


  1. Hi, My great-grandmother was a SALIS. This is a very old and distinguished family from Graubunden in switzerland.
    It is posssible to trace this family back to the 1200's . All geneology tables for this large family with many braches are available at the archives in Chur , I think. I have those that pertain to myself.
    Tanja Scarborough

  2. interesting connections, it shows how small the world is (or used to be)

  3. بلاستيك هوم هي إحدى الشركات البارزة في صناعة زجاجات المياه المعدنية في مصر. تلتزم الشركة بتقديم منتجات عالية الجودة ومبتكرة، وتهدف إلى تلبية احتياجات العملاء وتوفير عبوات موثوقة وصحية. بلاستيك هوم لها تأثير إيجابي على البيئة من خلال تصنيع زجاجات المياه المعدنية وتشجيع إعادة التدوير. وبفضل تواجدها في السوق المصرية، تساهم الشركة في توفير فرص عمل وتعزيز الاقتصاد المحلي.

  4. تلتزم شركات طلمبات ومضخات الحريق بالامتثال للمعايير واللوائح الصارمة التي تنظم صناعة إطفاء الحرائق. ويشمل ذلك اتباع اللوائح الوطنية والدولية وتوجيهات السلامة العامة، وتطبيق الاحتياطات اللازمة للحد من مخاطر الحرائق وتأثيرها.

  5. تركيب دعامة تمدد الشريان الاورطي يتم عادةً بواسطة جراحة القلب المفتوح، حيث يتم فتح الصدر ووضع دعامة في الشريان الأورطي لمنع تضيقه أو انسداده. يستخدم ذلك عادةً لعلاج مشاكل في صمام الأبهر أو تضخم في الشريان الأورطي.
