Friday, October 13, 2006

Dr. William H. Anderson ~ Physician & Patent Medicines

Another one of the early physicians located in Waynesville was Dr. William H. Anderson (September 5, 1784~October 25, 1874) who was born in Bucks County, Pennsylvania near Philadelphia. His parents were David W. and Esther Hollenshead Anderson. Dr. Anderson died in Waynesville, Ohio on October 25th, 1874 at his home on North Street five years before the triple murder in 1879, which may have involved both his son, Daniel R., and his grandson, Willie. See, Triple Murder in Waynesville ~ Willie Anderson.

Dr. Anderson was a physician and manufactured patent medicine and compounds in a small building he erected opposite his house. The Andersons moved from Pennsylvania through Warren County in 1829 and journeyed on into Miami County in 1830. Dr. Anderson and his family lived in Clear Creek Township for a while and then moved to Lytle, Ohio. According to Daniel R. Anderson, during the 1840s, his family lived on “the Ben Shinn farm” in Clear Creek Twp. According to Dan Anderson, they lived in Maineville, too, before moving to Waynesville. By the early 1850s Dr. Anderson was established in Waynesville. It is recorded in Quaker meeting minutes that his wife, Martha Anderson, moved her membership in Springboro Monthly Meeting in Clear Creek Twp. to Miami Monthly Meeting in Waynesville on 8th mo. 27th 1851. Many of Dr. Anderson’s siblings and his mother continued to live in Miami County.

Dr. Anderson was noted for his “Gastric Neutralizer”, cough syrup and liniment. He began to produce his “Neutralizer” in 1852. He was on the public school board in Waynesville, District #7, for many years and was instrumental in the establishment of Waynesville’s Union Schoolhouse. He also served Waynesville as a town trustee (see, Miami-Visitor, May 2, 1851). Sometime between 1867-1869 Dr. Wm. H. Anderson retired and his practice was taken over by Dr. L. S. Rice, M.D.

Dr. Anderson was married twice, to two Quaker sisters: Keziah Smith (m. September 10th, 1812 in Philadelphia) with whom he had 8 children and Martha Smith (m. July 4th, 1831) with whom he had 9 more children. Keziah (d. 1830) and Martha (b. 1806-d. 1895) came from a family of 10 children. Another one of their sisters was Fanny Smith who married Moorman Butterworth. Fanny Smith Butterworth was the mother of Paulina Butterworth. Paulina Butterworth is Daniel R. Anderson’s first cousin and Willie Anderson is her first cousin once removed.

The Smith family were Hicksite Quakers as were the Butterworths. However, Dr. William H. Anderson must not have been a Quaker because Martha Smith was disowned for marrying out of unity on 6 mo. 22nd 1833 by Miami Monthly Meeting of Friends. However, Dr. Anderson became an attender at Quaker meeting. In his reminiscences, Daniel R. Anderson does remember his mother and father hosted Friends in their home and attended Friends Quarterly Meeting in Waynesville. Dan Anderson also mentions events connected with the White Brick meetinghouse in Waynesville. Dan himself claims to have been a founding member of St. Mary’s Episcopal Church in Waynesville even though his second divorce kept him from full communion.

The obituary of Dr. William H. Anderson is found in the Miami-Gazette, October 28th, 1874:
DEATH OF DR. WILLIAM H. ANDERSON. ~This gentleman, one of our oldest and most highly respected citizens, died very peacefully at his residence in this place, on Sunday morning, October 25, 1874, at 7 o’clock. This announcement, though not expected, perhaps to our readers at a distance, who were not aware of his long confinement, was not unexpected to our citizens, who knew that for several months the venerable doctor had been an invalid, much of the time continued to his bed. Without any particular disease, other than a gradual giving way of a strong and unusually vigorous constitution, he has passed away after having lived a long life of active usefulness. Dr. Anderson was born near Philadelphia September 5th, 1784 and removed with his family to this county in 1815. He was married twice and leaves a widow and a great number of descendents, children to great grandchildren, residents of many states. His children from New York, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana and Ohio were nearly all with him in his last moments. Soon after his arrival in this state, he was stricken down with disease pronounced consumption and lay for many months with but slight hope of recovery. During his illness he studied medicine and became one of the most successful physicians in the State. During the cholera season he was called miles in all directions. He rode on horseback day and night for many months during the cholera siege, and lot but one patient. He was a man of iron nerve, indomitable will and remarkably strong constitution. He was a warm friend, and in return was beloved by all. So far as we know, he had not an enemy, or any that would speak of him otherwise than with the utmost kindness.

He abhorred debt, and during his entire life scarce ever allowed himself to owe any one a dollar. Still he never refused an applicant for medicine or advice on credit, and was never known to press any one for payment. He had not tasted spirituous or malt liquors since he was 21, and had the happiness of knowing that his descendants were without exception, strictly temperate. Three of his sons and many of his grandchildren served their country faithfully during the late war. ~~ Pecuniarily, he leaves his family in independent circumstances.

Dr. Anderson’s funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon, service being held in the Hicksite Friends’ meetinghouse. The attendance of relatives, friends and neighbors was very large, a testimonial that was needed to prove the estimation in which our aged citizen was held. An address appreciative of the Doctor’s life and character was made by Friend James W. Haines, and when the large audience had taken their last look of the face which for so many years had been such a pleasant one to meet, beaming always as it was with the sunshine proceeding from a kindly heart, the coffin lid was closed, and the remains were borne silently and solemnly to their last resting place in Miami Cemetery.

And so, at the extreme age of 90 years, Doctor Anderson has gone from among us. Everyone who knew him will regret his loss; but none so much as his faithful wife, who has been a devoted companion and helpmate for many, many years. May Heaven comfort her in her bereavement, and console her for the loss of an affectionate husband, who could never do too much for her happiness.

The family of the late Dr. Anderson join in sincere thanks to Friend James W. Haines, for the charitable nature of his most beautiful and appropriate address.

Dr. William H. Anderson is buried in Miami Cemetery, Corwin, Ohio in Section D. Many of his children attended the funeral.

There is evidence that Martha Smith Anderson was also a physician. It was reported in the Miami-Visitor, April 27th, 1859 that “MRS. M. ANDERSON HOME AGAIN. Our readers and the public will be happy to learn that Mrs. M. Anderson has returned from her eastern visit and is ready at any time to give medical aid and resume her practice as Physician. Our citizens have known the eminent abilities of his lady too long to make any further remarks necessary; tho’ for the benefit of others, we will say she is every way competent.”

Also see:

Waynesville's First Fire Engine in the 1850s ~ "The Buckeye"

More Reminiscences of D. R. Anderson ~ Businesses in Waynesville

More Memories of Businesses in Waynesville by Daniel R. Anderson

Boyhood Memories of Daniel R. Anderson

A "Young American Guard" in Waynesville in the 1850s

Enoch Jacobs ~ Business Man, Civil War Hero, Public Servant, and United States Consul to Montevideo, in the Republic of Uruguay, South America

Taken from History of Hamilton County, Ohio;
published in 1881 by Ford, pg 309

Enoch Jacobs (1809-1894) was born in the town of Marlborough, State of Vermont, June 30, 1809, and was married to Electa Whitney, of said town, June 22, 1831. His father, Nathan Jacobs, was born in Connecticut in 1762, and emigrated to Vermont in 1799. He was a soldier in the War of the Revolution. He married Sarah, the daughter of Captain John Clark, of revolutionary fame, about the year 1784. She was a native of Old Hadley, Massachusetts.

The subject of this sketch emigrated to Brooklyn, New York, in 1827, where he engaged in mechanical pursuits till 1843, when he removed with his family to Cincinnati. Between that time and the breaking out of the civil war in 1861, he was engaged in the manufacture of iron work, being junior partner in the firm of Vallean & Jacobs. The people of the south being their largest customers, financial ruin followed. His oldest son, Enoch George, enlisted in the Second Ohio Volunteer Infantry, three months' service, and was in the battle of Bull Run. He afterwards enlisted in the Twelfth Kentucky Volunteer Infantry, Federal Regiment, where he was commissioned First Lieutenant, and was in the battle at Mill Spring and the siege of Knoxville. He re-enlisted as a veteran and served till the army reached Jonesborough, when his health failed, and he resigned his commission. His second son, Henry C., enlisted in the Fifth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and served till his death. His third son, Nathan, enlisted in the Twelfth Kentucky volunteer infantry, and was commissioned first lieutenant in company "I" of Third Regiment. He was a brave and gallant young officer. While temporarily absent from his regiment he was waylaid and murdered by a bushwhacker, near Somerset, Kentucky, about the twentieth of February, 1863.

The elder Jacobs was for a time with the First and Second Ohio infantry regiments, comprising Schenck's Brigade, and took part in the battle at Vienna, where occurred the first bloodshed in the war south of the Potomac. He afterwards identified himself with the Twelfth Kentucky, commanded by Colonel W. A. Hoskins, and recruited men for it, in which two of his sons hold commissions. He took part in the battle of Mill Spring, and wrote the first published account of that battle. It appeared in the Cincinnati Commercial, and was copied by papers all over the country, and in Europe.

A month later he took part in the battle at Fort Donelson, having obtained a position on the staff of Colonel Bausenwein, commanding the brigade on the left of the right wing under General Mc Clernand, and with a detail of twelve men Mr. Jacobs accepted the surrender of two rebel batteries. About a month later while on his way to join the Twelfth Kentucky en route from Nashville to Pittsburgh Landing, a railroad accident occurred at Green River Bridge, Kentucky, in which he permanently lost the use of his right arm. In 1863 he was elected Justice of the Peace in Mill Creek township, and served till he removed with what was left of his family to Waynesville, Warren County, in 1865.

He resided at Walnut Hills from 1847 till 1865, and took a leading part in organizing in that place the first free school in the State under the school law of 1849 and its amendment in 1850. He served nine years as trustee and secretary of the board with the late Dr. Alien of Lane Seminary as president. In the winter of 1870-71 he accompanied the Government Commission, on the United States steamer Tennessee, to Santo Domingo as the special correspondent of the Cincinnati Commercial. He traveled extensively over the island, and no correspondent went where he did not. The following winter, 1871-72, he returned to Santo Domingo, in the interests of the Cincinnati Commercial and New York Tribune. During that winter he gathered much testimony as to the alleged complicity of high officials in a scheme of speculation in connection with a proposition of our Government to purchase the island. This has been hitherto withheld from the public.

In January, 1873, he was appointed United States Consul to Montevideo, in the republic of Uruguay, South America. The United States Minister, Mr. Stevens, being absent, the work of the legislation devolved upon him in addition to the duties of the consulate. As the country was cursed with constant revolutions, it required all his energies in extending protection to American citizens; but the work was faithfully done. In 1874 he came home for his family (wife and daughter) by way of Europe, and with them returned by the same route to his post of duty. His health failing he resigned his commission and came home by way of Europe in June, 1876. In October or that year he removed to Mount Airy, and finished his official life with six months' service as mayor of that village.

Enoch Jacobs, his wife Electa (1812-1887) and his daughter Electa (1833-1920) are buried in Miami Cemetery in Corwin, Ohio.


Drawings by his daughter, Electa Jacobs (1833-1920):

State Department Certificate:

The family Name was originally "Jacob". The following is the story about how the name became changed to "Jacobs". Thank you to Sharon Jacobs for sharing this story:

"According to "Colonial Families of the United States" by Mackenzie, Nathaniel Jacob (b. 29 June 1683 in Hingham, Plymouth County, MA; d. 22 Feb 1772 in Thompson, Windham County, MA) was one of the first settlers of Thompson, Connecticut. In 1741 he purchased a part of the Saltonstall tract for 900 (pounds), and he and his five sons took possession of this wild tract; it afterwards became known as the "Jacobs District". The "s" seems to appear on the name after that. Thus Jacob(s)".